
Thursday 12 December 2019

In room one we have been learning about spiritual places and we had to choose a place from a list, so I chose the Dead Sea. I hope you enjoy please leave a Positive, Thoughtful and Helpful comment!

The Dead Sea.

Why is it called the Dead Sea?
Because of the seas high salt quantities that stop microscopic aquatic organisms such as fish and marine plants. 

It is nearly impossible to swim in the Dead Sea.
Most people float on the surface of the water because of the high salt capacity of the water 
A half-hour drive from Jerusalem, the Dead Sea is actually a large lake. 48 miles long and 11 miles across.
It is the lowest spot on earth, 1290 feet below sea level it is also the saltiest body of water in the world. At the Dead Sea you are likely to feel more energised because of the higher concentrated oxygen levels. Recently, the Dead Sea has been reduced in size by approximately 700 million cubic meters.

The Dead Sea is also connected to the Jordan river which is a baptismal site. The Dead Sea is a place where many people go, one of the reasons people go to the Dead Sea is because of the rumoured healing properties for example the black mud which said to heal skin diseases, maladies and arthritis.

This is my drawing of the dead sea that i made on google drawings

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday 11 December 2019

In room 1 we have been learning about statistics and graphs,
I picked the topic of movie genres because I thought it would be interesting.

In my graphs I found out that the favourite movie genre is comedy with 46.2% of the vote, and thriller only had 7.7%.
dont forget to leave a positive, thoughtful and helpful comment!
thank you for reading!

Wednesday 23 October 2019

WALT: Write a recount

Personal Goal: Use metaphors, illerations, similes, 

What you did in the weekend
non-fiction/ fiction
What you have done at NBC

Things to remember
Structure: title, orientation, sequence of events, concluding statement
Punctuation & paragraphs
Describe characters & places
Use metaphors, illerations, similes,

On Saturday the 19th of October, my mother, my father, my brother and I all went to a small gallery with my brothers girlfriend Meg to see a beautiful piece of art that Don (megs dad) had made out of a gorgeous light brown timber. It was a 3D mandala like wall-hanging to raise money for Kileys cancer medication.

Kiley is a mother of two Oli a 14 year old and Meg a 20 year old. Kiley was diagnosed with stage 4 incurable breast cancer in September 2017, her cancer has recently spread to her kidneys, lungs and liver. Don and Kiley divorced, and since, Kiley has gotten married to a man named Johnny they can not afford the medication that Kiley needs. (Her medication is $7,000 a month $84,000 a year.)

So Don has kindly made this art piece to raise money for her medication the bidding price started $2,500,
There was also a go fund me page made for Kiley within the first hour she had raised $2,700+ and continued to grow, this brought what felt like a huge wave of smiles to Kileys friends & family. It was as beautiful as a fresh bouquet of flowers, the gallery was made up of extremely supportive new Zealand artists, I am so glad that I was able to attend this art bidding.

By Chelo

Please leave a positive, thoughtful, helpful comment 
Thank you!

Monday 21 October 2019

Click here to see part one make sure you read the first one   

by Chelo and Kade
Random story pt 2
Tabitha's point of veiw.

It was a warm spring afternoon I took a deep breath in and made a decision.
I'M DOING IT. was strapped in I took a leap of faith.
No going back now…
I was falling the enemy was in sights
Oh how rude of me I never told you my name.
Hi im TABITHA!!!
I was skydiving trying to save Mr Bob my best friend.
He may be my best friend but we are so different you see…
For fun I would I dont know jump out of a plane but he would go out for dinner with his wife to a nearby McDonald's to watch the MC MATES!!!!!!
Falling… the wind was in my hair.
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH I could hear Mr Bob screaming for help…
I shot the giant hot dog with a tranquilliser dart he let Mr bobs family free now 
 I watched as mr bob sped away a puff of smoke spluttered out of the engin.
¨There he goes just like the good old days back at school I miss those days...there was a lot less drama. Hahahahaha¨
I jumped into my Tesla everything was going to plan.

(Oooohhhhh spooky)
Beneath the road a 400 foot drop and a lot of way could he survive falling off that.
I sped  to save him…


This week our virtue is Sacred, to represent this virtue I have made a google drawing  of a dove and a candle because they are sacred items.
I hope you enjoy please leave a positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

This is my blog post about the rosary that I have done with Gabrielle.
We hope that you enjoy, please leave a positive, thoughtful, helpful comment .
thank you

Tuesday 24 September 2019


Name: Chelo                            WALT: Use PARAGRAPHS                          Date:23/9/19

Subject of paragraph:  Art

Personal Goal: Include complex punctuation

Types of supplies
Notes to include
Notes to include
Notes to include
Sketching out
Looking on the internet
Styles of drawing

Different types of paint
Types of pencils
Fine liners
3-4 main colours

Paragraph 1
This is a short piece of writing about art. When you are drawing you need to find ideas, otherwise you can end up with a scribble you are not proud of. When I draw I usually find a reference picture of what I would like to draw, but I change it into my own style. When drawing with a reference try to change the picture so it is more like your own.  One really helpful piece of advice I have had was to sketch out what my Ideas are really lightly and rough (this is so when you start building more muscle onto your character you have an idea on the pose, shape and identity of your character). If you post your art online please credit the person you referenced.

Paragraph 2
There are a lot of different types of art supplies like paint, pencils, fine liners, felts and so much more… but what is the difference other than the price? Well, while the price is the most obvious difference, a lot of supplies have various uses e.g. oil paints (these are more often used for painting on canvases or blending because they dry much slower, so it is easier to blend), while acrylics dry much faster, so it is a quicker way to layer paints, but much more aggravating (time consuming and annoying) in the blending process.

Paragraph 3

When we do art, the main thing people think about is colour. You could have just black, white and grey, or you might have pink, blue and purple, either way part of our brain might be thinking about this during our drawing process. Most colours look great together, but some can be too much like ̈ highlighter ̈  colours (these are the colours that you would usually find in a pack of highlighters). Many people say that ̈ these colours should not be used ̈ , because sometimes they can hurt your eyes. If you match them with more dull and pale colours then they just look like a small flare of bright colour, and can look very beautiful.

Thank you for reading my paragraphs on art, I hope you learnt something and enjoyed it.

Friday 20 September 2019

Te Reo pronunciation

This is a slideshow about Maori pronunciation, today we had Te Reo and we had to write about something I learnt.
Please leave a positive, thoughtful, helpful comment on how I can improve my work thank you for reading!


This is a small story I wrote.
In class we were talking about punctuation and how it can effect a sentence.
please leave a positive, thoughtful, helpful comment on how I can improve my work thank you for reading!


Once upon a time there was a small, bossy and naive girl who was extremely adventurous. This girl ́ s name was Lilith and she loved going on adventures or at least that is what she liked to call them, although all she would do was just run around her room or the backyard with her teddy bear...bob.
One day Lilith decided she wanted to go into the forest that branched off the back of her house so she got dressed for an adventure she put on her white t-shirt, blue overalls, socks and shoes... 10 minutes later Lilith skipped over to her older sister.¨Katie, Katie!̈  yelled Lilith ̈ What?!̈ grumbled Kate she already sounded fed up her eyes darted up ̈Why are you so dressed up?¨ ¨Can I go on an adventure in the woods?!̈  Lilith exclaimed Kate looked confused for a moment but then she got an idea ¨you ́re sure you want to go to the woods? If you really want to sure go for it.¨  (Kate was a teenager obsessed with her phone and Instagram and she had recently seen a prank people were doing on their younger siblings and she wanted to try it...)

Tuesday 17 September 2019

This is my logo I have made for the Te Ara Tuhura cluster,
this logo is to represent the schools in our area.
Please leave a positive, thoughtful, helpful comment on how I can improve thank you for reading this.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Sleep Hygiene

WALT: understand what factors promote good sleep

Today we learnt about what factors help us to sleep well and what factors impede sleep. We made a table to show what we had found.

Habits & behaviour to promote sleep

Drink milk before bed
Read before bed
Draw before bed
Listen to soft music
Relax and do something calming
Have the right lit room
Have a regular schedule for sleeping
Leave door open to let heat in
Have a shower or bath before bed (warm/hot)

Habits & behaviour that hinder sleep

Drinking caffeine
Having a lot of light in your room
Using technology before bed
Full or empty stomach

I will now listen to soft music before bed to calm my thoughts.

I learnt that having a full/empty stomach can affect your sleep.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

What it means to be a pilgrim.

This week we have been learning about our lives in the christian church,
this blog post is about what it means to be a pilgrim, my idea of the Kingdom of God, and a lot more
please leave a positive, thoughtful, helpful comment about how I can improve my writing and or blog posts. Thank you for watching!

Tuesday 3 September 2019

Nightmares and dreams

This is my post about nightmares, dreams and a few other things.
please leave a positive, thoughtful, helpful comment on how I can improve my posts.
thank you for watching.

Monday 2 September 2019

This is my slide show about just because it is our school virtue for the week. 
please leave a comment to help me improve my writing, Thank you for watching!  

Thursday 25 July 2019

These are my mission statements

in class we have been writing mission statements these are ones that help me remember to comment.

Mission statement pt 1

If someone upsets me I will take a breath and walk away. We are all human we make mistakes. I will own up to them and make it right.

Mission statement pt 2

If i'm not hurting others I'll do what makes me happy. Try not to spread myself too thin take time to myself, I deserve it.

Mission statement pt 3 

No matter what gender or sexuality I am  God accepts me in to his family even others don't. Im loved even if I don't first see it.

Wednesday 26 June 2019

Visit from CCC

CCC visit 

Yesterday Mr Chris Houghton, Head of Domicile House at Catholic Cathedral College came to our school to talk about high schools. He brought Ray, Lucy, Charlotte, Eli and Julio who answered our questions about their high school  and high school life in general. They talked to us about our worries for high school and reassured us that it would be fine no matter what high school we went to. They were really confident and kind we really appreciated the sweet reassurance they gave. After listening to them we feel like continuing our catholic education at high school will be much easier than previously thought.

Thank you

By Chelo (year 7)

This is a news letter item I have written about a visit from CCC thank you for reading please make sure to leave a comment
by Chelo

Thursday 11 April 2019

ANZAC the origin of poppies

In Room 1 we have been researching about ANZAC. I decided to do an inquiry into why poppies are a symbol of remembrance for soldiers in World War 1. Please enjoy my slideshow and leave a comment, including feedback on how I can improve my post. Thank you

Wednesday 3 April 2019


Our class when to the New Brighton beach to get a free surf lesson I've made a slide to share on my blog remember to please leave a comment. 

Wednesday 27 March 2019

this is a news letter item that will be posted here and given to caregivers to take home
please leave a comment
thank you!

Next week the Young Vinnies are collecting a sack of cans to feed the people who don't have enough money to feed their family this is called 40 bags in 40 days.
This is for a special time of year we are in Lent. Lent began on Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday. For Lent we are giving a sack of cans and we would really appreciate it if everyone bought a can so that you can share Lent with us.
We would appreciate cans of food such as fruit and beans, really whatever you can bring in.
Most of us don't know what that feels like to go hungry for a day. So let's try and help!
Thank you to everyone who is helping support the initiative,  if you can't help please spread the word to those that can.
We are trying to help these people so thank you again for helping us support each other.

Chelo Flood

Young Vinnies

Monday 18 March 2019

A thank you to my camp leader Bryce.

Hi this is a thank you letter to Bryce Elijah´s father he came to our week 5 year 7&8 camp…
He was my camp leader and a very good one too. I had a great time.
Don´t forget to comment.

Dear Bryce,

Thank you so much for coming on camp here is a list of things you did that I really appreciate.

Firstly, thank you for waking up early to prepare breakfast, preparing lunch and for staying up late to help with dinner.

Thank you for encouraging us and letting us know that we´ve got this.

Thank you for driving people to and from camp. I may not be one of them, but I am sure they are grateful.

Thank you for taking photos to show caregivers. I know they would be missing their kids.

Thank you for making sure that we were absolutely 100% safe while still having a go and trying new things.

Thank you for fixing the nail on the deck so that we did not hurt ourselves.

Thank you for making the people who were sad laugh and smile it was really kind and thoughtful

Over all we had an amazing time at the YMCA camp, your leadership was greatly appreciated.

Thank you again, I wish you the best.

From Chelo

Friday 15 February 2019

Hello my name is Chelo I am 11 years old. 
My favourite colours are red,white and black. 
I enjoy playing rugby with my older brother
and hanging out with him and his girlfriend.

My dream jobs are a...police officer or a tattoo artist but a music producer would AWESOME!
My favorite types of books are horror, action, comedy, adventure, and mystery.
I live with a loving mother, a comedian father, a protective brother and a really lazy french bulldog.

My favourite subjects at school are korean, writing and reading.
This year i would like to learn how to care for people with different perspectives.
My favourite foods are pizza, quesadillas, homemade rice salad and homemade chocolate chip cookies.
My friends at the moment are kade, Gabby, Jesse, Keita, and Olivia but im also mates with a few of the year 8s .

Im very good at drawing, performing arts and playing guitar. 

And that's all about me.
By Chelo.

By Chelo.

St Valentines

Wednesday 13 February 2019

Welcome to my Blog

Haere Mai, Talofa Lava, Mālō e Lelei , Maligayang Pagdating and welcome to my very own blog for learning. I look forward to sharing my learning with teachers, my school, my family and friends anywhere.