
Wednesday 23 October 2019

WALT: Write a recount

Personal Goal: Use metaphors, illerations, similes, 

What you did in the weekend
non-fiction/ fiction
What you have done at NBC

Things to remember
Structure: title, orientation, sequence of events, concluding statement
Punctuation & paragraphs
Describe characters & places
Use metaphors, illerations, similes,

On Saturday the 19th of October, my mother, my father, my brother and I all went to a small gallery with my brothers girlfriend Meg to see a beautiful piece of art that Don (megs dad) had made out of a gorgeous light brown timber. It was a 3D mandala like wall-hanging to raise money for Kileys cancer medication.

Kiley is a mother of two Oli a 14 year old and Meg a 20 year old. Kiley was diagnosed with stage 4 incurable breast cancer in September 2017, her cancer has recently spread to her kidneys, lungs and liver. Don and Kiley divorced, and since, Kiley has gotten married to a man named Johnny they can not afford the medication that Kiley needs. (Her medication is $7,000 a month $84,000 a year.)

So Don has kindly made this art piece to raise money for her medication the bidding price started $2,500,
There was also a go fund me page made for Kiley within the first hour she had raised $2,700+ and continued to grow, this brought what felt like a huge wave of smiles to Kileys friends & family. It was as beautiful as a fresh bouquet of flowers, the gallery was made up of extremely supportive new Zealand artists, I am so glad that I was able to attend this art bidding.

By Chelo

Please leave a positive, thoughtful, helpful comment 
Thank you!

Monday 21 October 2019

Click here to see part one make sure you read the first one   

by Chelo and Kade
Random story pt 2
Tabitha's point of veiw.

It was a warm spring afternoon I took a deep breath in and made a decision.
I'M DOING IT. was strapped in I took a leap of faith.
No going back now…
I was falling the enemy was in sights
Oh how rude of me I never told you my name.
Hi im TABITHA!!!
I was skydiving trying to save Mr Bob my best friend.
He may be my best friend but we are so different you see…
For fun I would I dont know jump out of a plane but he would go out for dinner with his wife to a nearby McDonald's to watch the MC MATES!!!!!!
Falling… the wind was in my hair.
AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH I could hear Mr Bob screaming for help…
I shot the giant hot dog with a tranquilliser dart he let Mr bobs family free now 
 I watched as mr bob sped away a puff of smoke spluttered out of the engin.
¨There he goes just like the good old days back at school I miss those days...there was a lot less drama. Hahahahaha¨
I jumped into my Tesla everything was going to plan.

(Oooohhhhh spooky)
Beneath the road a 400 foot drop and a lot of way could he survive falling off that.
I sped  to save him…


This week our virtue is Sacred, to represent this virtue I have made a google drawing  of a dove and a candle because they are sacred items.
I hope you enjoy please leave a positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.

Tuesday 15 October 2019

This is my blog post about the rosary that I have done with Gabrielle.
We hope that you enjoy, please leave a positive, thoughtful, helpful comment .
thank you